Trinity School "Winterim", with Ancient Med. Meal Pictures

We have just wrapped up a wonderful week of teaching at Trinity School in Durham, NC! Our week-long "Winterim" curriculum was based on the historical and social aspects of food in Jesus' time. We recreated foods from the first century, and shared them with students, parents, and faculty during a final showcase.

A quote from "Winterim" assistant Karen Ireland:

"I have worked with Zacki Murphy on several events, both large and small. She has developed a wonderful program called "A Mediterranean Feast" in which she instructs volunteers from an organization, school, or church in the art of preparing healthy Mediterranean food. She has created a Powerpoint presentation that gives the history of this type of diet and explains in very understandable terms the benefits and beauty of this cuisine.

Zacki has adapted her program for all ages. We recently worked together at Trinity School in Durham, NC for their program, "Winterim", which is a one-week "semester" for students to explore a personal area of interest that they ordinarily would not encounter in school. She developed a curriculum to outline the daily activities that the students would follow to learn the history of the Mediterranean diet, its benefits and modern application, time for actually preparing the food, and the day of offering the "Feast" to about 40 parents and students. It was wonderful to see the pride with which her students explained what the different foods were and how they had prepared them. I believe that all who participated in her class and all who partook of the food were delighted with the results. It was obvious that her students had expanded thier knowledge about a good diet and felt proud of their accomplishment. She was a patient teacher with enthusiasm for both her students and her program."
